Paleo Ham Wins Friends!

Posted by Paleo Cowgirl on Jun 23, 2015 11:02:19 AM

PaleoCowgirlheader1A girl would be nothing without her friends.  Especially great, Paleo friends who help you spice it up in the kitchen!  Kirsten, The East Coast Sales Rep for Pederson's Natural Farms shares a new recipe with us today featuring Pederson's Natural Farms No Sugar Petite Ham!  Give it a try! - Paleo Cowgirl


Kirsten here, being the energizer bunny that I am I love nutritious food that will fuel me all day long. Whether it’s a new bikram yoga class or recipe I have fun switching things up. This time I decided that with the ingredients in my refrigerator I couldn’t go wrong and I’m stoked about the results.


1 large Honeycrisp Apple

2 Sweet Potatoes

1 Sweet Onion

2 cups of carrots

Raw Organic Honey (use as desired)

1 Pedersons No Sugar Petite Ham

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees

I began by glazing the ham with 2 tablespoons of honey, cut the sweet potatoes, onion, and apple into large slices and threw them on top of the ham with the carrots.

Since the ham is precooked I had no worries and I left it in the oven for an hour to draw out all the flavors and cook the vegetables.

The contrast between sweet and salty was perfect. This was too easy I couldn’t believe how great it tasted!

Get the printable recipe card HERE!


Topics: Paleo, Paleo Meals, Paleo Protein, Paleo Groceries, Paleo dinner, Paleo Cooking, Paleo & No Sugar, Paleo Meal Plan, Paleo dinner recipes, Paleo lunch recipe, No Sugar Ham, Paleo Meal Planning, Paleo Ham