Paleo Cowgirl gets her kicks with No Sugar Kielbasa
Topics: no sugar, News, Paleo Bacon, Paleo, sausage, Pork Sausage, all, Paleo Meals, No Sugar Sausage, No Antibiotic Pork, Paleo Protein, No antibiotic sausage, Paleo Groceries, Humanely Raised Sausage, Paleo Meat, Paleo & No Sugar, The Paleo Cowgirl, Product Launch
Topics: sausage, Product Launch, Fresh Sausage
Celebrate Independence Day the Paleo Cowgirl Way!
We're preparing for another great weekend celebrating our Nation's birthday with lots of sunshine, swimsuits, and a Paleo friendly cookout! We try to spice up the menu every year so as we prepare for this year, I can't help but think back fondly on last year's celebration.
Topics: Paleo & No Sugar, The Paleo Cowgirl, Product Launch
Ham is the staple of Holiday meals near and far. Mostly because who has time to cook, carve, and eat a monstrous hunk of meat unless they're feeding a small army or a family of 10? I know I sure don't! But "lunch meat" ham just isn't the same. Pederson's to the rescue. On top of offering all of their full-sized hams in the No Sugar variety for the holidays, they also offer a No Sugar Petite ham YEAR ROUND! (It's like they read my mind or something... or maybe my million and one emails asking for more Paleo Friendly Protein.)
Topics: no sugar, Paleo, Ham, Paleo & No Sugar, The Paleo Cowgirl, Product Launch
Going Whole Hog in the food industry is a call to action. It means promoting environmental stewardship and reducing waste by utilizing every possible portion of the pork carcass.
Topics: Whole Hog University, Product Launch
Topics: no sugar, News, Paleo Bacon, Paleo, sausage, Pork Sausage, all, Paleo Meals, No Sugar Sausage, No Antibiotic Pork, Paleo Protein, No antibiotic sausage, Paleo Groceries, Humanely Raised Sausage, Paleo Meat, Paleo & No Sugar, The Paleo Cowgirl, Product Launch