A total of 1,400 miles, 1,400 cattle entries, 647 youth, 12 national junior Hereford directors, and 8 days means that I just got back from what every Hereford kid looks forward to every summer. Junior National Hereford Exposition, where the big Hereford family comes together and everyone shows off their cattle. As one of the 12 National Junior Hereford directors that come from as far as Washington and Michigan, to Georgia and Wyoming, I did alot of the behind the scenes work of planning this large event. With monthly phone calls and two major meetings during the year we planned everything. And from planning each contest, to finding judges, and just making sure everything ran smoothly, I stayed busy working all week. I put on at least ten miles walking everyday.
Now you may be wondering what this has to do with bacon?
Well, while in Kansas City, everyone I talked to asked what I was doing this summer. Naturally, beef girl got excited about her pork job. I loved sharing with anyone and everyone who gave me five seconds of their day. I enjoyed telling people about Pederson's Natural uncured bacon, and how it is made. Everyone was surprised at how interesting I findd this since I have always been "that beef girl." And while there, I realized with only three days left in my internship, I have become somewhat of a pork girl! (or maybe just a bacon one)
So while I may be a National Junior Hereford Association director that has a passion for the Hereford breed and love leading the youth of the organization, I have developed a strong interest in the pork industry as well.
I have finally expanded my horizons past beef, into pork, and I am so glad that I did. Even if my big Hereford "family" gives me strange looks for my new love for some good pork (bacon)!