Economics and Pederson's

Posted by Neil on Mar 5, 2010 5:36:24 PM

I was reading a couple articles about, natural foods and efficiency, in one of the 50 free publications that come across my desk a week. This information sparked a question in my mind. Which of the two is more important for my company? One article stated that if you were not efficient then you were dead or dying as a company. I completely contradict that statement! Our company runs as efficiently as we can but without using certain chemical additives there is no way we can compete with our bigger competitors on efficiency (we are not dying J). Technically though does that even matter! What do people really want? I think people really want what they pay for. In my case I sell meat and when people buy my products that is what they get. They don’t get some meat with as much water as possible so that my company can run efficiently. They get as much meat as I can get them and still afford to be in business. So here is what I think honesty and quality at an honest and fair price will always win the race!

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Topics: Blog, Neil Dudley (The Cooking Cowboy)

Mac 'N Cheese

Posted by admin on Jan 13, 2010 10:55:09 AM

As a kid growing up in Dallas, we were not the most elite folks. We didn’t join a country club or go on extreme vacations abroad. We couldn’t keep up with the Jones’ because we didn’t know who they were. We had, or should I say my father (The Dutchman) had to watch where his money was going.

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Topics: Blog, Master of Flavor, Kent Wenzel (The Master Of Flavor)

Pederson's Wenzel Combines Bacon flavor with Bison Benefits

Posted by admin on Nov 15, 2009 12:56:38 PM

article from Shelby Report
By Mandy Rodgers
Staff Writer

Kent Wenzel’s father—whom he affectionately calls The Dutchman—refused to eat bologna after a horrifying child-hood field trip memory involving a rattail. His sans-bolognadiet lasted until Wenzel himself opened a local meat marketin the small town of Hamilton, Texas.

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Topics: Blog, Kent Wenzel (The Master Of Flavor)