Over the spotted patches of ice covered road and the blistering coldest of Super Bowl weekend, Wes Graham and I made it to Benbrook to settle in for the evening. The next morning would come early to get set up for a demo at HEB Central Market.
Topics: Blog, Kent Wenzel (The Master Of Flavor)
As a kid growing up in Dallas, we were not the most elite folks. We didn’t join a country club or go on extreme vacations abroad. We couldn’t keep up with the Jones’ because we didn’t know who they were. We had, or should I say my father (The Dutchman) had to watch where his money was going.
Topics: Blog, Master of Flavor, Kent Wenzel (The Master Of Flavor)
Pederson's Wenzel Combines Bacon flavor with Bison Benefits
article from Shelby Report
By Mandy Rodgers
Staff Writer
Kent Wenzel’s father—whom he affectionately calls The Dutchman—refused to eat bologna after a horrifying child-hood field trip memory involving a rattail. His sans-bolognadiet lasted until Wenzel himself opened a local meat marketin the small town of Hamilton, Texas.
Topics: Blog, Kent Wenzel (The Master Of Flavor)