Super Bowl Weekend

Posted by admin on Apr 1, 2011 3:22:38 AM

Over the spotted patches of ice covered road and the blistering coldest of Super Bowl weekend, Wes Graham and I made it to Benbrook to settle in for the evening. The next morning would come early to get set up for a demo at HEB Central Market.

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Topics: Blog, Kent Wenzel (The Master Of Flavor)

Mac 'N Cheese

Posted by admin on Jan 13, 2010 10:55:09 AM

As a kid growing up in Dallas, we were not the most elite folks. We didn’t join a country club or go on extreme vacations abroad. We couldn’t keep up with the Jones’ because we didn’t know who they were. We had, or should I say my father (The Dutchman) had to watch where his money was going.

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Topics: Blog, Master of Flavor, Kent Wenzel (The Master Of Flavor)

Pederson's Wenzel Combines Bacon flavor with Bison Benefits

Posted by admin on Nov 15, 2009 12:56:38 PM

article from Shelby Report
By Mandy Rodgers
Staff Writer

Kent Wenzel’s father—whom he affectionately calls The Dutchman—refused to eat bologna after a horrifying child-hood field trip memory involving a rattail. His sans-bolognadiet lasted until Wenzel himself opened a local meat marketin the small town of Hamilton, Texas.

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Topics: Blog, Kent Wenzel (The Master Of Flavor)