Styx Rocks!

Posted by Neil on Aug 6, 2012 8:08:59 AM

Hello all you loyal bacon lovers! It’s me, the Pederson’s Natural Farms Cooking Cowboy back on the BLOG!

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Topics: Blog, Neil Dudley (The Cooking Cowboy)

Simple Chicken Fajitas With Pederson's Bacon

Posted by Brittany on Aug 3, 2012 11:52:57 AM

This recipe is soooo easy. Take a night off and let your tween or teen prep dinner. My 12 year old cousin stepped in and cooked up this delicious recipe for our family swim party. Find the recipe HERE.

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Topics: Blog, Brittany Bouck (West Coast Correspondent)

My BLTA Adventure With Bacon & Pork Sausage

Posted by admin on Jul 28, 2012 7:15:48 AM

Hello, hello! So, remember how I was an outsider with... ummm... zero knowledge about bacon and sausage and... stuff? And, I got sent into the Pederson's plant to photograph the bacon making process? And, I loved it so I wrote a blog? And, then a month or two later, I went back and photographed the sausage making process and, again, wrote a blog? Well, I have just wiggled my way right into the Pederson's family. Bwahaha! Whether they want me or not, they've got me! I'm like that child that squirms right between mom & dad on the couch and just looks up at them with big wondering, innocent eyes. And, they can't help but feel some adoration for the intrusive child. Yep, yep! That's me. And, it's a great place to be. Let me tell you why...

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Topics: Blog

Hot Enough For Ya?

Posted by Neil on Jul 18, 2012 9:25:15 AM

Hello all you loyal bacon lovers. It’s me, the Pederson’s Natural Farms Cooking Cowboy, back on the BLOG!

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Topics: Blog, Neil Dudley (The Cooking Cowboy)

Sausage Making

Posted by admin on Jun 29, 2012 5:12:27 AM

Howdy, howdy! I'm back... the fourth grader on the field trip. ;) This time, though, I got to witness the sausage stuffin' process. And, I must say, sausage is not near as complicated as bacon. I actually understood most of the process and the “whys” of it all.

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Topics: Blog

Just How Versatile Can Green Chile Breakfast Links Be?

Posted by Neil on Jun 28, 2012 10:44:32 AM

Hello all you loyal bacon lovers. It’s me the Pederson’s Natural Farms Cooking Cowboy back on the BLOG!

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Topics: Blog, Neil Dudley (The Cooking Cowboy)

Kid Friendly Pulled Chicken With Bacon Sandwiches

Posted by Brittany on May 17, 2012 11:34:38 AM

This is a yummy mild take on barbecue pulled chicken sandwiches. Great for families! For the recipe, click HERE.

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Topics: Blog, Brittany Bouck (West Coast Correspondent)

How to eat a PW Bison Bacon Burger

Posted by Neil on May 11, 2012 5:00:10 AM

I visited the “Master of Flavor” today, around lunch time so we had a friendly business discussion while I ate a Bison Bacon Burger!

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Topics: Blog, Neil Dudley (The Cooking Cowboy)

One Small Problem and One Great Idea!

Posted by Neil on May 9, 2012 10:27:54 AM

Hello all you loyal bacon lovers! It’s me... the Pederson’s Natural Farms Cooking Cowboy back on the BLOG!

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Topics: Blog, Neil Dudley (The Cooking Cowboy)

Pederson's Beef Bacon Scramble

Posted by Brittany on Apr 12, 2012 7:26:32 AM

This is a quick an easy breakfast that will fill you up and leave you wanting more.

Pederson's Beef bacon - cut into pieces

Eggs ( or egg whites )

1/2 Tomato - Diced

Small bunch of basil - chopped

Feta Cheese - to taste

1/4 Avocado - sliced


Start by dicing and browning the beef bacon. Then, add the diced tomato and eggs ( I used egg whites ). When the eggs start to firm up add some chopped up basil and a few tablespoons of feta cheese. Scramble until the eggs are done, top with avocado and serve immediately.



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Topics: Blog