Whole Hog University: 31 (plus) ways with the Whole Hog

Posted by admin on May 20, 2015 4:55:35 PM

With the longest months of the year having 31 days, Pederson’s Natural Farms wanted to make sure there were enough products utilized from the Whole Hog to keep something new on your plate everyday.

When processing the Whole Hog, the “fresh” or un-smoked/un-cured carcass is broken up into sections called primals: leg, loin, side, spareribs, and shoulder. Once any product is smoked or cured, the primals are listed as: cured ham, jowl, loin, shoulder, side (belly), spareribs, and various (ham hocks). Pederson’s pork products are smoked without the addition of artificial additives such as nitrates and nitrites*. When going through the Pederson’s Natural Farms Whole Hog product list, the primals will be listed as: shoulder, loin, ham, and belly. Study the diagram bellow to see where your products come from!


Now that you're familiar with where the primals are located on the Whole Hog, take a look at all the products that come from each primal cut! We'll be going more in depth on the various types of bacon (and other delicious meats).


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Topics: no sugar, bacon, all natural, News, Ham, Blog, sausage, Whole Hog University