Grilling Season with Pederson's Natural Farms

Posted by Brittany on Mar 29, 2014 5:28:13 PM

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Topics: Blog, Brittany Bouck (West Coast Correspondent)

Ham Primavera

Posted by admin on Mar 24, 2014 10:04:32 AM


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Topics: Blog, Recipes

Ham Hash Brown Cakes

Posted by admin on Mar 24, 2014 9:58:55 AM


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Topics: Blog, Recipes

Ham & Cheese Sliders

Posted by admin on Mar 21, 2014 4:26:35 AM

Okay, folks… I'm pretty sure this is the absolute VERY best recipe in the world. Seriously. If I could, I would marry these sliders. They are absolutely amazing! It makes me want to buy a Pederson's ham once a week and only live off sliders.

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Topics: Blog, Recipes

Sausage & Egg Tostadas

Posted by admin on Feb 20, 2014 9:36:23 AM

Okay, this is a tasty recipe that's honestly suitable for breakfast, lunch, or dinner!

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Topics: Blog, sausage, Recipes

Garlic Basil Chicken Sausage & Goat Cheese Pizza

Posted by admin on Feb 12, 2014 5:19:41 AM

Okay, guys, this is an absolutely delicious, quick, and easy recipe using our Garlic Basil Chicken Sausage. This pizza is anything but traditional packed with unexpected ingredients. I can't speak for everyone, but I know my household craves it. I could probably make this every evening for dinner, and we'd never get tired of it. For real!

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Topics: Blog, Recipes

Happy Fall y'all

Posted by Stacy on Sep 11, 2013 8:13:25 AM

The weather's still warm in my neck of the woods, but that hasn't stopped me from getting into the Autumn spirit! One thing I do at this time each year is make a trip to the apple orchard. Last Saturday, I packed my kids up and headed up to Hillcrest Orchards in Ellijay, GA. If any of y'all are in the area, I highly recommend stopping by! Their website is

We had a great time, and came home with a bushel and a peck- literally... Don't ask me how a 5 year old and 3 year old managed to get that many, but they did, and they had fun doing it!

Now, I have to figure out what to do with all these! There is a recipe that's been on my list to try for a while, and now seemed like the perfect time to try it: Bacon Apple Pie- need I say more? I found this recipe at and it looked pretty simple. I'm always looking for recipes without a lot of prep time! I assembled my ingredients and got to peeling! Whoops! I forgot to put the flour in the picture!

The most time consuming part of this was peeling all the apples. It took me about 10 minutes. FYI- You don't HAVE to peel them for this recipe, but I have picky eaters around these parts! I was so excited to get this treat in the oven and forgot to take a "before baking" picture- can you really blame me? Here I was staring at a little slice of heaven and a 45 minute wait time!

Boy howdy, it was worth the wait! I barely snapped a picture before digging in to this yummy goodness... I also may or may not have eaten a slice for breakfast this morning- What? There's bacon in there!

I will definitely be adding this to my dessert rotation- my kids loved it, and I did too! Of course, my family enjoys anything I make using Pederson's products. Give this recipe a try, and let me know what you think! I'd love to hear what your favorite bacon recipes are for Fall- Stay tuned- I may just try yours next!

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Topics: Blog

Our Farm To Your Fork

Posted by Stacy on Aug 28, 2013 3:43:22 AM

Amy and Ciera have been working on a product catalog for Pederson's.  I thought they did a great job describing our process from farm to fork.

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Topics: News, Blog, Stacy Dudley

Passion for Pork

Posted by admin on Jul 23, 2013 5:39:01 AM

A total of 1,400 miles, 1,400 cattle entries, 647 youth, 12 national junior Hereford directors, and 8 days means that I just got back from what every Hereford kid looks forward to every summer. Junior National Hereford Exposition, where the big Hereford family comes together and everyone shows off their cattle. As one of the 12 National Junior Hereford directors that come from as far as Washington and Michigan, to Georgia and Wyoming, I did alot of the behind the scenes work of planning this large event. With monthly phone calls and two major meetings during the year we planned everything. And from planning each contest, to finding judges, and just making sure everything ran smoothly, I stayed busy working all week. I put on at least ten miles walking everyday.

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Topics: Blog

All Things Bacon!

Posted by admin on Jul 8, 2013 10:40:27 AM

This past weekend I had a "girls weekend" with the girls in the family. My mom, sister, and I, plus my two cousins, aunt, and grandma. Bound to be fun right?

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Topics: Blog